Saturday, October 27, 2007


Saturday morning brings me to My Fella's place. I thought about coming all week - it was not a bad week at work at all, but the weather was so overcast and the week was so long, that near Thursday I made up my mind when he told me a new place is opening this weekend that is a combination restaurant/bike shop/tattoo parlor. I just had to come. And as fortune would have it, the last email from the apartment manager said the HVAC company had announced my heater unit had to be replaced in full . . . . . which is odd since that's something K.C. told me weeks ago when I moved in and the manager seemed to think it was news. But in my attempt to not hold onto bitterness I am telling myself that if, as promised, some cleaning lady named "Pumpkin" cleaned my floors and window blinds, I will be happy. The apartment manager sent over some space unit heater, but I'm not there anyway. I thought his email about it was mildly funny because he described it, as if I've never been in Wal Mart or HomeDepot and seen a space heater.

Anyway, My Fella is determined to sit down and watch the Transformers movie. Last night we sat through the worst exploding bomb of a movie, Lucy Liu's "Rise" . . . . you would think there would of been a moment during filming when she would of said, "Wait. No. I'm going home." Ugh. No wonder we never saw it advertised.

Good weekend to you.

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