Sunday, September 16, 2007


Seems to be about the magical time for waking up. This dream was an odd one, but thankfully short, even though there were a few strong emotions attached to it.

And about that other issue, crisis abated. I was just so tired when I got here, I'm sure I let it get to me a little more than it should have. Really, I've dated My Fella for coming up on 2 years now, and no problems at all. I knew eventually that road travel, conventions, etc. would set up a situation, and I knew that eventually I would run into this guy, who is a genuine nice guy. But it's not a problem at all.

This convention is thankfully short. I would be pleased as punch to get some other company requested visits out of the way during it and be on my happy way Tuesday. I've got a ton of stuff to do on my day off Wednesday, I just hope looking for an apartment isn't one of them.

Piper, I'll give you details on the dream after breakfast.

1 comment:

piper said...

Ok, go! Send me the details...I'm your own private dream detective.