Saturday, November 3, 2007

Peter Peter & Pumpkin the Cleaner, plus KC the man

. . . . . the air guy knocked on my door Thursday night to tell me all the parts were here for my brand new heater and he would get it all done Friday night. So I decided to go out of town, giving him all the space he needed, I got a little visit with My Fella, and I would come home to brisk fall weather of 67 degrees and central heat.

Yeah right. There is no sign of him having been here and definitely no heat. I'm thinking if K.C. don't get it fixed this weekend, I'm going to see Peter face to face Monday morning.

12 midnight p.s. - It's like there's a pox on the apartment or something - I walk into the bathroom and there's this big ol' leak above the tub & toilet. The latex painted has created a sack holding the water.

'course like i told my last landlord when there was a leak and he said, "Don't worry about it." "I'm not." I'll call and leave a message, and I suppose tomorrow at a decent hour I may knock on the door above mine to see if she notices anything odd, but hey, I'm not going to worry about it. Though the puddle around my toilet is quite annoying. ugh!

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