Friday, January 11, 2008

Every day,

Well, guess who was at the convention - yeah, the guy from that post a few months ago. He's something of a pal, and the "play time" we had a long time ago was just a "one off" type of deal . . . actually two off, but whose counting. Anyway, it was nice to see him but I avoided too much contact with him. In fact, I advised a close friend at the convention, who would keep my confidence, to keep an eye on me, just in case I got drunk at one of the after hours receptions.

Maybe I intended to avoid it, maybe I just didn't want to go drinking at the after hours receptions, or maybe I didn't want to be drinking at a work event and then have to drive home. Who knows. But I did not drink and did not wander.

It would be a lot simpler if I just came right out and said, "If you still find me attractive, sorry, but I can't." but how arrogant is that to start a conversation with the assumption that he would find me sexually available?! lol.

I was faithful, and will be. I'm not messing up a good thing.

* I have modified this blog a couple of times, trying to find the right mix of words to convey that I wasn't really tempted this day, and that I wasn't really that much of a whore in my past. It may be easier to delete the post altogether. But the message isn't supposed to be one about temptation, but one about faithfulness.

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