Saturday, January 22, 2011

Authorized Retailer

I've decided to post a few highlights of my employment at "I'm an Authorized Retailer for 'big name cell phone company."

Today's highlight is the two girls who came in the store wearing sleeper pants. They both had what looked like dirty hair, but could have just been some post 18 left over angst bad idea hair style, along with a fairly decent fragrance of cigarette smoke and attitude, which I would realize, about 24 hours was entwined with an upbringing from a white trash mom.

After a series of passing their cell phone back and forth from their Mom to me, who eventually gave her authorization, they decided on a phone, along with an attitude.

And less than 24 hours later? Brought it right back. I knew better than to deal with them.
Then there's the man who handed me go-phone, so mad that he had lost his ring tone, which he first neglected to tell me was dueling banjos. So first, I work to get it set again to the loudest volume. He's asking "How do they do that, loss a ring tone?" after telling me some relative of his had been playing with it. Really, some people just don't need to own a phone. So I hand it back to him, I've got it loud, and I call it. He steps back like I've slapped him and says, "THAT'S not my ring tone! It was dueling banjo's." OK, old man. That would have been helpful to have known. So I take another minute to find it and set the ring tone for him.


Then there's the lady that walked in with two identicl phones in her hands and said to me, in a very dismissive tone like she was speaking towards me, not to or with me, "I'm going to leave these two here."

Me: "OK. Why?"

Her: "I need the contacts moved over."

Me: "OK, I'll be glad to check the SIM card and move them over."

Her: "No, some are on the SIM card. I need them all moved over."

Me: "Ma'am, I don't have a way to . . . " and in my mind, I know what this beotch wants. . . "to move them all over if the SIM card is full."

Her: "I have left phones here before and they did it for me."

Here's where I repeat myself in a nice tone of voice, "I don't know how they did it. If the SIM card is full, I can't move anymore."

Her: "You mean I can't leave it here?"

And in my mind, I'm thinking, "Leave your two cheap, free, phones purchased over the internet here for me to spend my work day trying to type in, one at a time, all your contacts?"

and I repeat it. Really lady? Really? Like that's what I get paid to do?

Can't forget the customer who came in and told me her son had his phone stolen, but found it, and the back and battery were missing. I told her i was sorry, but we didn't have replacement backs. I may or may not have a battery, and they run about $40.

Her: "I was hoping you could just give me another one."

Me: "No, ma'am. I'm sorry. The phones come back with just one back and battery. So I give you one out of another box, I wouldn't be able to sell it."

Her: "I know, but I was hoping you would."


"Or maybe you could give me the back off this phone?" pointing to the display.

Me: "Those are dummy phones, the backs usually don't come off. Even if they did, I couldn't give it to you because then I wouldn't have a way to display the phone."

Her: "I was hoping you would, though." This went back and forth, each of us repeating the same thing to each other, 5 times. Like it was a test to see how many times can I say, "Ma'am, I can not give you a phone back and battery from another phone because then I would not be able to sell that phone."

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