Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blue Moon

Some say tonight's full moon is a blue moon.
Some years ago I fell in love with a c.d. by Nanci Griffith, and the first song is "when you have two full moons in the same month, why, the second one is called a blue moon." I dug the c.d. out today, and popped that song on and sang every word, like I just listened to it yesterday. I'd bet it's been some years since I've last listened to it, and Nanci Griffith's not exactly on the top 40 list.

Another favorite song on there is "Workin' in Corners" for the line, "At my back door, there's a porch light that's shinin'. Hey I just don't mind living here by myself if I leave it on."

I tried to take a photo of the blue moon, but the rediculously bright street lights facing each other on this block, and my lack of any photographic skills, kept me from getting anything.

Still, it was a pretty moon. From where I was looking, it had a bit of a halo about it.


Blue moon
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This article is about the astronomical phenomenon. For other meanings see Blue Moon (disambiguation).
The term Blue Moon has at least four related meanings. One is a common metaphorical phrase for a rare event that really has little to do with the moon itself. Full moons are given names in folklore, and two definitions of blue moon are a name for a rare full moon that does not have a folk name. One modern blue moon definition is a result of a misinterpretation of the Maine Farmer's Almanac, where a second full moon occurs in a calendar month. The older definition of blue moon is for an extra full moon that occurs in a quarter of the year, which would normally have three full moons, but sometimes has four. Oddly, it is the third full moon in a season that has four which is counted as the "extra" full moon and named blue moon. According to certain folklore, it is said that when there is a blue moon, the moon has a face and talks to the items in its moonlight.

1 comment:

piper said...

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