Twenty years ago, I was the closest of friends with a young lady who asked me to go with her to her senior prom. A private school about twenty miles from the town where I lived, we double dated with her best friend and it is still one of the funnest nights I have ever had. . . . time passes and keeps on passing, and twenty years later she calls and says, "Do you want to go dancing with me again?" It seemed to her good logic, having been the boy on her arm twenty years ago, to be the man on her arm at the reunion dance. They had a weekend of plans, and she attended only the dance, I don't know how many people were there, but a few shook my hand and said, "You look familiar" to which I replied, "I went to prom with you." It was a very nice night, we enjoyed it. She enjoyed seeing her old classmates and we both enjoyed dancing, and occasionally talking about her classmates.
The dance was held at the country club, in a room where I had once attended a dance of my own, twenty years ago. One of her classmates is a cousin to a friend of mine, another classmate is married to a guy I've known many years, though not well, he's always seemed pleasant. It was a fun night.
Her school has always had this sort of "open to all" policy, if the all are graduates of the school. You can do that with a small private school, you know. So at any one class reunion, you are bound to have people showing up from other classes. One of the show-ups brought two friends, one of which preceeded to dance the night away. . . . . . often trying to do so with somebody's wife or girlfriend. He was ten years younger than us, and though not bad by the light of the hallway, very cute in the dark of the dance floor. It was interesting to see the personal-dynamics change with invitees when a single female invitee, or a married female invitee, were asked to dance by this seemingly very cute, very intoxicated guy. One husband proclaimed quite loudly than the guy stank, blah blah blah. Well, the fellow leaned past me to kiss my date on the cheek, and I was close enough to lick his arm (I didn't mind you, I'm just saying he leaned that close to me while leaning over to her) and he didn't stink. But you'd sure think it by the way that husband carried on after his wife was asked to dance. One wife leaned over to my date and said, "He's ten years younger than me and told me I looked fun to party with. . . . I gotta tell you, it made my night."
Anyway, in tribute to youth, here's a pic or two of someone who is ten years younger, hitting on all the girlies, and didn't smell bad a bit.
Her school has always had this sort of "open to all" policy, if the all are graduates of the school. You can do that with a small private school, you know. So at any one class reunion, you are bound to have people showing up from other classes. One of the show-ups brought two friends, one of which preceeded to dance the night away. . . . . . often trying to do so with somebody's wife or girlfriend. He was ten years younger than us, and though not bad by the light of the hallway, very cute in the dark of the dance floor. It was interesting to see the personal-dynamics change with invitees when a single female invitee, or a married female invitee, were asked to dance by this seemingly very cute, very intoxicated guy. One husband proclaimed quite loudly than the guy stank, blah blah blah. Well, the fellow leaned past me to kiss my date on the cheek, and I was close enough to lick his arm (I didn't mind you, I'm just saying he leaned that close to me while leaning over to her) and he didn't stink. But you'd sure think it by the way that husband carried on after his wife was asked to dance. One wife leaned over to my date and said, "He's ten years younger than me and told me I looked fun to party with. . . . I gotta tell you, it made my night."
Anyway, in tribute to youth, here's a pic or two of someone who is ten years younger, hitting on all the girlies, and didn't smell bad a bit.