Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday morning

and the week is going fine. I'm taking advantage of the blue jean rule to not worry about laundry this morning.

LittleBit, making her way day by day through this separation-come-a-divorce, has signed a lease on an apartment and gathered up a motley crew to move her out tomorrow. MyFella has consented to come, and he's told me to quit keep score. But I can't help but feel that he's done way more than his share of driving lately. He'll be here in the morning. I've told LittleBit and others over at the house they really need to impress upon young son that, uh, he's got some healthy friends. That heavy bedroom suit upstairs - yeah, that's his burden to bear. I really can't be hauling that around.
I had to go over to soon-to-be-ex-husband's work place yesterday and worried and worried I might run into him. I kept imagining myself shaking his hand and saying, "Hey. How ya doin?" like I always do. You know, thinking that if I ran it through my head enough I wouldn't blurt out, "YOUHAVINAFRUCKINAFFAIR?!" Nelly me. But I never saw him. Crisis averted.

If rain comes, MyFella may come on tonight after work. He's wanting to go to a horse show tonight and I have told him to go. But he said if it rains, he'd just as soon come on than go to the horse show, even if it is just once a year.

Yes, like everybody else, the price of gas is just killin'me! I fill up probably 3 times a week, and this last time it took over $60. My car is paid for, and I sure do hope it keeps on running because I can't afford a new one. But if I could, I swear I'd downsize as low as I can go!

I saw a new Cadillac yesterday. I tried hard hard hard to get a pic of one just like it off their website and post on here with the caption "Batmobile?" I swear, the front of it looked a whole lot like the Batmobile to me. Body shape, fancy grill, lights, etc. There was a total hottie driving it too. Seemed young to me to be driving a Caddy. But if you got it, flaunt it.

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