Saturday, June 21, 2008


Well, it was not quite 7:30a.m. when MyFella texted me that he's on his way, which means it will be not quite 9:30 when he gets here. The text at least roused me from an odd almost-waking dream where I was a vampire getting lessons in flying - an airplane! - at some kind of quick stop. That'll teach me to read the "Undead & Unwed" series at bedtime!

He was in quite a mood last night. Some combination of having set near some high school aged homophobe at supper and some on-going issue with his mother. But don't we all have one? (Take your pick here - problem homophobes or issues with our mother?!)

That'll give me time now that I'm up to run 'round to the post and drop off a package to someone I really don't know (childhood friend found me on Myspace) and pick up donuts for the day.

Happy weekend to you!

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