Sunday, June 8, 2008

G Time

My one real habit of being drunk or buzzed is to call G. It's a favorite of mine, and I feel like it's a favorite of hers. So scant few minutes after stumbling through my door, I rang her, she answered, and I let loose with a torrent of whatever pent up drunk ideas were swimming through my head. They all made perfectly good sense to me at the moment. And could I recall them later, may even make sense later. Or not. But out of it often comes some good.

Her significant other/spouse/wife/partner is out of town with the children and G & I had missed out on any time together! THAT is a shame. I do so love G time. So she said she'd come 'round in an hour (you know, I clearly wasn't in a shape to drive) and we'd have dinner. We went to a mutual favorite place then had a jaunt through Walgreens.

I think sometimes I dominate conversation when I'm with G. I tend to take a deep breath and just spit out everything I can think in a minute. Leaving her to laugh and say, "well, ok." But she's not one whose never had her say either. So it works out. And she always has some great fun stories to tell.

It was a good supper and good G time.

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