Sunday, August 12, 2007

General Rambling

My friend Topher has my desktop tower now, in another attempt "to make right what once went wrong." He agreed this time, if I agree to get a router with a firewall. He's annoyed with what he perceives as my ultimate stupidity, but he's going to get it fixed for me. He built it, so he knows it well.

My Fella came yesterday afternoon. We both know the sort of free time is coming to an end. Soon he will start night classes again, four evening classes, and we both have full time jobs (thankfully!). So we are taking advantage of the time we can have together. We went to church together today and afterwards, he headed to a college town about an hour away to help his neice get moved in, and I headed towards my hometown for my 7 year old nephew's Shrek 3 birthday party. Brother's attempts to find a donkey for donkey rides was not fruitful, but his promise to create a swamp in the backyard was fullfilled. Lots and lots of mud and water and kids that were having a blast. I said to brother that I was amazed at the simplicity of it. He said hauling wheel barrows full of dirt into his back yard wasn't that simple.

But I think my point was My Fella, he drove down yesterday afternoon and endured with ease the news that he was going with me to a post wedding party in the evening. I had to call a few people to figure out what everyone else was wearing, and found out jeans was fine. So we both went "trendy jeans" with some flip flops and sandals. He wore a favorite shirt of mine, flat bottomed and green linen, fresh out of the dry cleaners. I was in a favorite Target shirt, flat bottomed.

Anyway, I was surprised when I was invited to the wedding, since I've never met the bride and the groom and I have always had a sort of tenuous friendship. We've really devolved into just having mutual friends. But I was pleased to attend his wedding, and his bride (he married up) invited me to this seated dinner the same night. Well, I just can't pass up a good party so I went ahead and told My Fella we had to go.

My sister in law wants a good posting, but I'm afraid this one is kind of dull. I think I do better when I have access to post the endless minutae of my life, and I can get to the good stuff right away.

Oh well.

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