Monday, August 27, 2007

I need a drink.

"they", "the system" is just wearing me down at work. I have been there like, what, six weeks now? Business cards came in Thursday. Wrong phone number, wrong email address. Is it so much to ask?

The convention I went off to week before last, I needed one specific brochure, which was wrong. Is it so much to ask?

In the mean time, I've been submitting and re submitting forms for 3 weeks now that would give me access to two specific things - the softwares Showcase and Access, but pulling from specific files on specific drives. Let's just say that right now, Mary Smith uses these two programs to do some analysis on my department, and I've been asked to take it over. Sure, fine, seems like a conflict of interest, but whatever, they pay me right? So on each and every form, I have even written "mirror Mary Smith" or "if any questions about the file, ask Mary Smith." Over 3 weeks now they have been sending the forms back either claiming it's the wrong form, or claiming I have access, which I don't. I know I don't, because I can't do the job. Then they call and ask me things like, "Where does Mary Smith have the file?" Uh- I'm fucking new here. I have no idea where on their main frame, or shared drives, or whatever it's called, these files would be. And I'm about done with it all. Oh, and today, they told me all this stuff had to be up to date by the end of the month for accruals. I just told them, it's not in my hands and I'm not gonna sit up there all night one night trying to get it done, when I can pull every form submission I have and prove I've tried to do it for 3 weeks. To 'ell with 'em.

Thank goodness tonight is Closer and Saving Grace. I'm gonna need to replace my frustrations with their drama.

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