Sunday, August 10, 2008


At the insistance of MyFella, we took all my laundry to the laundrymat today. $3.50 for a big washer and $1.50 for a regular sized one, then a quarter for 8 minutes in the dryer. About an hour and a half later, we had most all of my laundry for the past several weeks done. (I tend to let it pile up, then separate it all into bags. So I have a laundry bag full of dirty whites, a separate one for boxer shorts, a separate one for socks, etc.)

That's a bit of people watching. I had done it years ago and forgotten the unique mix of humanity. Like I couldn't figure out the dryer (though it was incredibly easy) and this guy of probably Hispanic descent pointed and pushed a button I got the feeling he couldn't speak English, but he could tell I didn't know how it worked. I smiled and said "Thank you."

Mix of young and mature, white, black, Hispanic, male, female. It's interesting.

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