Sunday, September 9, 2007


from a newspaper clipping, yellow and worn, on my fridge:

"The modern experience of coming out of the closet has been funneled down to a prescribed set of rituals involving a blase soundtrack of disco anthems (gay and straight Americans alike now grow up knowing how to dance to "YMCA"), a few white tank-top T-shirts, some boots, some unhappy Thanksgiving dinners with the family, a regrettable tattoo, some poetry scribbled in journals. The majority of gay people do not get pummeled or fired or expelled; they emerge a wee bit neurotic and immediately set about shopping." - Washington Post reporter Hank Stuever, April 27.

though April 27 of what year, I can not tell you.


piper said...


Noodle said...

". . . they emerge a wee bit neurotic and immediately set about shopping."

Oh yes, dear.