Sunday, May 25, 2008

Joan Collins revisited

She was like 70 if she was a day, with a face and black hair strongly reminiscent of Joan Collins' hay day in Dynasty. She was wearing an American themed sweater set - big red and white stripes.

She had set down several of the plastic ramekins on a trash can. I'll grant you, it's a nice looking trash can. Faux black leather. Sort of an overall rectangle shape with a hole in the top for the trash. You might see a smaller version in an swanky office. But it's still clearly got a big ol' hole in the top of it for trash. And she set all her ramekins down on it.

Whose picking up trash? Me. For hours. Picking up napkins, ramekins, beer bottles, and throwing them where? In the trash container.

She's at least four feet away if not more. It's not like she was standing by it. I had seen her out of the corner of my eye set the stuff on the trash and for a second thought, "WHYNOTJUSTDUMPITINLADY?" and then I just kept on, gathered up a handful of trash, walked to the container and WHOOSH! Shoved it all in.

She came running to me INDIGNANT! "THAT WAS MINE!" she said. (You got to wonder at that moment which is more unusual - a midget version of a 70 year old Joan Collins look alike in a red white and blue sweater set - or that she gathered up enough plastic containers to make supper and set them. . . . ON THE TRASH.) I just said, "I"m sorry. I thought it was trash" and she walked off, woefully upset with it clearly written on her face. I saw her and her husband a few minutes later with a new collection of free samples, on the corner of a cloth-and-skirted table we were using for a promotion later.

Humanity. It's fun to watch, but sometimes it just makes you shake your head.

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