Saturday, May 17, 2008

Odd blast from the past

So I work in a casino, right? So lots and lots of people I walk past every day on my many trips to pee. I often see somebody and think something like "She reminds me of . . . " or "He looks like. . . " So I'm headed to pee today and a guy is walking from the poker room to the bathroom at the same time and I think "He looks like Bo."

Now really. Bo? Come on. I haven't seen Bo that I can recall in well over 30 years. For a period of maybe 5 years or so, we grew up on the same cul-de-sac street. Then he moved. One of his cousins is/was my friend that I had lunch with in Texas a few months ago (I have to figure out how to link back to old posts). They don't have any family left in our hometown. There's no reason for any of them to be in the area. Still, I took a serious second look at him because, well, he just looked like Bo. A bald Bo, but Bo. Worse, he looked kind of hot with his baldness and a pretty shirt, long sleeved, all not tucked in as is the style today. Not real hot. But kind of hot. Hot enough for a "I'd do ya at the gay bar after midnight" kind of thing.

What's worse? It was Bo. After staring him down (like a FREAK, since we're both walking to the bathroom!) and not getting any notice back, I decided it was not him. Then I noticed, "He has that same James T. Kirk-kind of swagger that Bo had." hhhmmm. So what are the odds you'd look like Bo and walk like Bo, 30 years later?

So later I swung by the poker room and asked the manager if she knew that guy's name? Bo. Where's he from? Ohmygoshfrom states and states away. Many states. He lives practically in Canada as far as I'm concerned.

I mean, I know I only grew up 80 miles from here and 40 miles from work, but there's no reason for him to be there. 30 years later. All his kith and kin are long gone. And I knew it. 'cause we grew up in a town just like that.

So anyway, I go call my childhood friend who works in another office there and said, "If you'll get up and leave your office and come to mine, it'll be worth it." She does. I walk her to the poker room and play a "Do you see what I see game?" The poker room manager walks up and says, "I'll go tell him" and I said, "Wait. She doesn't know what she's looking for." And she's mouthing all "I can't see nothing or anybody" when he turns his head and she's like "Oh my gawd it's Bo."

Yeah, it's Bo.

So the manager goes to tell him someone wants to see him and he walks up and there's 'that moment' when he realizes it's me. 30 years later, it's me. And I said "it's her." And we had a very nice sort of "oh my gosh it's you" conversation. And he was like, "How did you know I was here?" and I was like, "We went and pee'd together" and he was "I SAW YOU STARING AT ME!" Yeah, because I am a master of covert surveillance.

And I'm right, he has no family left in our hometown. But he and his wife had driven through a few months ago and thought they liked the area, they both are in the casino business, and thought they could move and transfer. So they drove back in for a few days to check out homes and make sure they like it. We exchanged numbers and I told him if he applied at our place to put our names down because I could use the referral bonus.

I probably go pee dozen times a day, walk right past the poker room and don't pay anyone a bit of attention.

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