Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tacit Talking

"My mom doesn't like Ross," Sue said.

Sue is MyFella's beloved neice. She's in her mid 20's, and pretty in a tomboy sort of way. Ross is her husband. Sue, what little I know of her, visibly loves her husband and adores her uncles MyFella and Jamie. Sue seems to spend time with Jamie and notice little things, like when he's having trouble eating or something.

Ross is a hard worker (I think it's some sort of skilled job – like an electrician or a welder in a plant) and they say he makes good money. He has provided well for his wife, and they live in a nice house with a spot of land and a few horses. She has worked at jobs she enjoys and he has supported her decision to return to school to be a radiologist. He seems like a stand up guy.

"My mother doesn't like him and that's just wrong to say. He's my husband" she said. "even if she doesn't, she shouldn't be saying it."

MyFella agrees, but he's got no particular love for her mother, a sister of his. He's been pretty clear in his opinion that she's never been much of a mother or a support to her two daughters. The have plenty of stories about how her mother offered to put her on the car insurance then calls her every month wanting $100. She turned off her daughter's cell phone, so another sister to MyFella bought the niece a cell phone and told her not to worry about it, just go to college and let them worry about the phone.

Which are all thoughts running through my head as MyFella was telling me this last night on the phone.

She continued, "That would be like me telling you that I don't like Mike. You know, if you and Mike were together. I may or may not, but it's none of my business if he makes you happy. I just wouldn't say it. My mom just shouldn't say it about my husband."

MyFella said, "I think it was her way of telling me something." I replied into the phone, "I can't argue with you there."

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