Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday & The Best Restaurant Ever!

MyFella is such a doll. He had to go to an association meeting yesterday here in town, so he made a night of it and offered to just get up early this morning and drive back.

He said we just had to find a place to watch A.I., and I am cable-less. So I called my friends J&Bubbles, who decided that the season was so lame that we would go out instead. Too funny. So I compromised and strongly suggested we just go to Piccadilly's around the corner. It's like 3 minutes from their house, neither MyFella nor I had ever been there and surely their cafeteria style menu would have something for everybody. Then we could go to their house to watch the last of A.I.

Well, let me tell you - Piccdilly's is THE BEST RESTAURANT EVER! There is SO MUCH from which to choose. Good for you food (relatively), traditional Southern, fun, yucky, you name it. Square jell-o in bowls! Fried fish cods, baked fish, fried chicken, chopped beef (hamburger pattys), carrot soufle (tastes a bit like sweet potato pie), fried okra, mac & cheese, just all kinds of vegetables and like 2 kinds of cornbreads, rolls, pies, cakes, etc. It's a buy-it-by-the-serving smorgasborg of Southern cuisine comfort consumption! I LOVE IT! I think I got a little giddy and announced it as THE BEST RESTAURANT EVER!

MyFella was sure the right David would win, and his 40 votes were part of the 12 million. Then we watched the season finale of Boston Legal. And came home to a 78 degree apartment and popped the window open. (Thankfully they just installed the window screen this week, after my face to face with Peter). And this morning I fixed him a cup of coffee and sent him on his way as I went to get J&Bubbles for an airport ride.

Oh, and MyFella gave me a great business lead that I called my Hot Boss about (you know, brunette, long legs, she's gorgeous). Hot Boss announced that she likes MyFella more than me!

It was a very good Wednesday.

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